Yesterday at work (you don't expect me to actually be working in my last week do you?), I found a great website Team Estrogen. I came across it when looking at some links for Defeet socks. Martin had been able to buy a couple of pairs of these on Sunday, but of course there were only larges left when I found some that I liked. Undaunted, the world wide web helped me out and I've got some winging their way to me as we speak, as well as a very cool cycle jersey.
On the TE site they had a current adventures in cycling section by online diarist Terri Rafter. Her diary really made me laugh and so many of the feelings I had about restarting cycling with my much fitter husband came flooding back. Her comments after trying to cycle up a steep hill, felt so familiar, I could've been writing it myself, but probably with more swearing -
"I hate this," I gasped. [As a matter of fact, I probably gasped it more than once.] By the time I'd pushed my bike to the top of the 43,567,289th *vertical challenge* in a row, I was exhausted, sunburned, sticky with sweat, mad as hell ... and spoiling for a fight.
Jaunty/Show-Offy Cyclist Guy Whizzing Past Us At 800 mph: "Good morning!"
David: "Good morning."